Preliminary study on nano-SiO_2 for the conductivity of ionic liquid/ P ( VdF-HEP) composite membrane 纳米SiO2对离子液体/P(VdF-HFP)复合膜的电导率影响初探
Research of PTFE-Nafion composite membrane PTFE-Nafion复合质子交换膜研究
Fungistasis of Berberine and Chitosan and Preparation of Composite Membrane 小檗碱和壳聚糖抗蔬菜病原真菌活性测定及复合膜制备
Study on the Production of Apple Brandy through Fermentation Coupled with Pervaporation by PDMS Composite Membrane 硅橡胶复合膜用于发酵-渗透汽化耦合生产苹果白兰地的研究
Study on PFSI/ PTFE Composite Membrane for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell PFSI/PTFE复合膜用于质子交换膜燃料电池的研究
Study on preparation of prime ZrO_2 ultrafiltration composite membrane 优质超滤ZrO2复合膜制备研究
Fabrication of Polymer-based Ni-Co Composite Membrane by the Action of the Electric Field and Its Microwave Absorption Performance 电场作用下镍钴复合膜的制备及吸波性能研究
Characteristics and Preparation of PA/ PVA/ PA Multilayer Composite Membrane with Alternate Separation Layers PA/PVA/PA多层交替复合分离膜的制备与表征
A porous, integral silicon-based composite membrane was developed, with silicon gel and silicon resin as raw materials. 以硅树脂和硅凝胶为原料,制备出一种多孔性的、一体化硅基复合膜。
Study on pervaporation of modified polyvinyl alcohol composite membrane for dehydration of micro-water heavy-naphtha 炼油厂含硫污水汽提塔的模拟与优化改性聚乙烯醇复合膜对微水重石脑油的渗透汽化脱水研究
A differential resistance model was established to describe the permeation of water vapor across the hollow fiber composite membrane. 建立了水蒸气在中空纤维复合膜中渗透的微分阻力模型,用实验验证了模型的可靠性。
The Fabrication and Study in Vitro of Artifical Cell Based on TiO_2/ Ti Composite Membrane 基于TiO2/Ti复合膜的人工细胞制备及体外研究
Preparation of PPESK/ PEI Hollow Fiber Composite Membrane for Propylene and Propane Separation 丙烯/丙烷分离用PPESK/PEI中空纤维复合膜的研制
Preparation of evodiamine imprinted composite membrane and the adsorption property 吴茱萸碱印迹复合膜的制备及性能研究
Study on preparation and separation of cellulose acetate-quinine molecularly imprinted composite membrane; 基于伪模板技术,通过表面涂覆热聚合的方法制备分子印迹膜。
Preparation and Gases Permeation Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Composite Membrane Supported by Porous Substrate 多孔基体负载的碳纳米管复合膜制备及其气体渗透性能
Pervaporation composite membrane of removal for the VOC from wastewater 脱除废水中挥发性有机化合物的渗透汽化复合膜研究进展
Study on Properties of Modified Nano-SiO_2/ LLDPE/ LDPE Composite Membrane 改性纳米SiO2/LLDPE/LDPE复合薄膜性能的研究
Preparation and Properties of Poly ( vinyl alcohol)/ Silk Fibroin Composite Membrane for Guided Bone Tissue Regeneration 聚乙烯醇/丝素蛋白引导骨组织再生膜材料的制备和性能
Study on the modification of the surface defect of thin Pd/ ceramic composite membrane 超薄金属钯复合膜表面缺陷修饰的研究
In this research, paper serves as the base membrane of UF composite membrane, and suitable membrane materials were selected and coated on the surface of base membrane to prepare UF composite membrane. 本文采用纸张作为超滤复合膜的基膜,并选用合适的成膜材料,采用表面涂覆工艺制备纸质超滤复合膜。
His composite membrane consisted of a very thin layer of polyamide, to perform the separation, and a sturdy support beneath it. 他的合成薄膜由一层非常纤细的聚酰胺构成,这层聚酰胺用来分离分子它,在薄膜下面其坚固和支持的作用。
Preparation and Property of Mesoscopic Lamellar Vermiculite/ Heat Resistant Polymer Composite Membrane 介观尺度片状蛭石与耐高温聚合物复合膜的制备及其性能研究耐高温材料聚苯并咪唑的合成与表征
Glassy carbon electrode modified with the composite membrane showed good performance of electro-catalytic oxidation-reduction for glucose. 复合膜修饰玻碳电极对葡萄糖具有良好的电催化氧化还原性能。
Two-component polyurethane adhesive for composite membrane was studied in terms of its composition, synthesis and process conditions. 本文确定了复合膜用双组份聚氨酯胶粘剂的组成成份,合成方法和工艺条件;
Structure and Property of Poly ( Vinyl Chloride)/ Inorganic Particle Composite Membrane 聚氯乙烯/无机粒子复合膜的结构与性能
The applied research of zein composite membrane in strawberry preservation 玉米醇溶蛋白复合膜在草莓保鲜中的应用研究
Results showed that the functionalized graphene was successfully prepared and the composite membrane showed good photoluminescence performance. 结果表明:制备的功能化石墨烯含有羧基;壳聚糖-石墨烯复合膜具有光致发光性能;
The Study of Biological Adhesive Used in Pervaporation Composite Membrane for Separation of Aqueous Ethanol Solution 生物黏合剂用于渗透蒸发复合膜分离乙醇/水的研究
Microstructures and Membrane-Forming Conditions of New PVA/ PA Composite Membrane 新型PVA/PA复合膜的微结构及其成膜条件